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Aerodrome database - integral set of current information for VFR flights
in the Czech and Slovak Republic
We are sorry, but from year 2021 is hard copy (paper edition) of Aerodrome Database Fully English Edition discontinued. Now it is available only as eBook including mooving map and GPS navigation at our mobile app.
• Including Aeronautical Chart VFR/GPS 1:500 000 CZ+SK - perfect for visual/GPS navigation
• Also including Lower airspace chart VFR/GPS 1:1 000 000 CZ+SK - perfect for flight planning and also as quick refference for GPS navigation.
• Containing information abou all aerodromes, airfields, UL fields for microlights and heliports
• Aerodrome plans and charts with aeronautical information
• Radiocommunication frequencies
• Helpful addresses, telephone numbers, websites
• Flight procedures in both countries
• Meteorogical information, sunrises/sunsets
• Detailed airspace descriotion and airspace allocation
• Conversion tables, abbreviations
• Top quality covered spiral binding
Aerodrome Database is highly regarded for quick reach of necessary informations. It is essential on board inflight as well as in preflight
preparation and after landing. You will find information about all airports, airfields, fields for takeoff and landing UL planes and heliports.
And also many up to date general-use information. All information is updated annually by issuing new publication. This eliminates the strenuous
and time-consuming updating by hand amendments - rewriting and deleting of data. Next year we will prepare a new Aerodrome Database with updated
and accurate information - just on the begining of the flying season.
The information in your Aerodrome Database are divided into three basic sections of the following ways:
• Aerodrome section - Flight information needed on-board for flying:
Contains well-ordered information without wasted padding for arrival/ departure and flight around the airport. The texts are short, so you will find basic
essential information without dificulties and are printed in larger font to be easily readable even under heavy conditions. There are also given basic
telephone numbers and direct numbers to the ATC services units.
• Section AD INFO - information needed for pre-flight and after landing:
Holds detailed information about aerodrome, services provided on AD and at vicinity, direct phone numbers, detailed contacts to companies and individuals
active in the aerodrome. Activities and operations at the AD, sporting and cultural possibilities. Verified phones to a local taxi and contacts on
restaurants and lodging recommended by local pilots.
• Section GEN - General information about flying, instructions, hints, tables, charts:
It contains important and up to date general information about flying in the Czech Republic and Slovak Republic. Lots of instructions and hints for everyday
flying, flying procedures, local difference, detailed airspace description and tables with all necessary data. Contains also detailed VFR approach charts
for airports with controlled airspace.
Aeronautical charts
Each copy of Aerodrome Database is packed with two up to date aeronautical charts prepared using the latest standards of digital cartography directly in
our publishing house, based on our own current data and also data from many other sources.
Aeronautical chart VFR 1:500 000 is specially designed for visual and GPS navigation and includes a complete aeronautical information required for
VFR flights in common flight altitude (for CZ up to FL95 and for SK up to FL90).
Lower airspace aeronautical chart VFR 1:1 000 000 is designed to quickly obtain important information on airspace and airports both pre-flight
and in-flight. This chart is invaluable for example, when using GPS navigation, because its give you a quick and comprehensive overview of all
important aeronautical information not only in the place of your flight, but also in the wider area.

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